Category Archives: Member News
In accordance with the By-Laws, as modified in 2019, USC-STC is holding an Election process for current openings on the USC-STC’s Board of Directors (BoD). As of the close of Nominations at 11:59 PM on September 15th, there were 8 candidates proposed by the USC-STC Nominations Committee as part of the Board recommended slate. No member supported Nominations […]
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: NOVEMBER 5, 2019 MICHAEL H. COHEN ASSUMES DUTIES AS NEW CHAIR OF USC-STC OTTAWA: Unmanned Systems Canada / Systèmes Télécommandés Canada is pleased to announce that Michael Cohen has been appointed as Chair of STC-USC, effective on the eve of #UC19Ottawa. Michael replaces outgoing chair Mark Aruja, who led the association a […]
There are procedures now to fly UAVs in any controlled airspace as long as you have an advanced RPAS license and an aircraft declared “SAFE” by the manufacturer. Simple. Now you just go on the NavCanada website and file a request. This all started back in AUG 2018, with a simple request from the Jet […]
USC-STC is honoured to support Canada’s rising stars contributing to the future of Unmanned Systems In December 2006, a young, gifted unmanned vehicles engineer working with CDL Systems named Mark Cuss passed away after a courageous 22-month battle with cancer. At the time of his death, Mark was only 27 years old. However, during his short time, Mark made […]