In accordance with the By-Laws, as modified in 2019, USC-STC is holding an Election process for current openings on the USC-STC’s Board of Directors (BoD).
As of the close of Nominations at 11:59 PM on September 15th, there were 8 candidates proposed by the USC-STC Nominations Committee as part of the Board recommended slate.
No member supported Nominations were received by the Nominations Committee by the deadline.
As per our Election Bylaws,
“An election must take place by ballot, unless the number of nominees is equal to or fewer than the number of vacant positions, in which case the nominees must be declared to have been acclaimed.”
As a result, the 8 open Board seats will be filled with the 8 candidates proposed by the Nominations Committee and no voting is required by members.
The Nominations Committee is working with the Nominees to gather their statements and headshots and we will be sending another email later this week with the details of the nominees to the Board to members.
Next Steps
Details on the Board Nominees for consideration at the next AGM in November are coming shortly. Members will be given a 15 day period to provide comments on the slate of Nominees.