Category Archives: Announcements

The 12th USC-STC Student UAS Competition is Going Virtual

When COVID-19 forced the cancellation of last years UAS competition flying phase, the teams and committee collaborated on a plan to create a virtual competition for 2021. The original scenario to deliver medical supplies by drone, is more appropriate than ever. Teams from 10 universities will be up for the challenge from April 30 to […]

Students – Apply Before August 31st for the $2500 Mark Cuss Memorial Scholarship

USC-STC is honoured to support Canada’s rising stars contributing to the future of Unmanned Systems In December 2006, a young, gifted unmanned vehicles engineer working with CDL Systems named Mark Cuss passed away after a courageous 22-month battle with cancer.  At the time of his death, Mark was only 27 years old. However, during his short time, Mark made […]

TC RPAS Procurement Draft RFP issued – Short Deadline – July 18

Public Works and Government Service Canada (PWGSC) is seeking to engage further with Industry through consultation on a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for the acquisition of a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) for the Government of Canada, Transport Canada (TC). Transport Canada (TC) requires a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) that is capable of […]

New RPAS/Drone Regulations Released for Canada

Montreal, QC – On Wednesday, Transport Canada released new regulations for the rapidly-growing Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS) or industry in Canada. Published in Canada Gazette II, the new rules govern all aspects of Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) operations for all operators flying RPAS (commonly known as ‘drones’ or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/UAV’s) in the […]

Drone Education Program Launches in Manitoba School Division – Enabling Students’ Learning Using UAV Technology

Several northern and remote communities are getting a technological transformation using unmanned air vehicles (UAVs) as a learning tool in the classroom. The UAV Pilot Program, designed by Frontier School Division Science Coach Arif Kassum, is a teaching and implementation guide filled with curricular connections for teachers throughout the division.

LOOKNorth BVLOS Call For Proposals Issued

As announced at Unmanned Canada 18, LOOKNorth BVLOS call for proposals has been released.  The CFP and proposal template are attached.  For the latest updates please go to For further information contact  Neil Cater – Project Manager. T 709-864-7808 | C 709-687-2050