As a service to USC-STC members, as well as the broader Canadian RPAS community, we are reprinting a Request for Information from the USPS. We encourage all eligible providers to consider making a submission. Reprint follows below; please note deadline of November 4, 2019. The United States Postal Service (Postal Service or USPS) is investigating […]
Category Archives: Industry News
There are procedures now to fly UAVs in any controlled airspace as long as you have an advanced RPAS license and an aircraft declared “SAFE” by the manufacturer. Simple. Now you just go on the NavCanada website and file a request. This all started back in AUG 2018, with a simple request from the Jet […]
The Innovation for Defence Excellence and Security (IDEaS) program, run by the Department of National Defence has a new update that will be of interest to USC members and others in the UAV ecosystem. As you know, the Innovation for Defense Excellence and Security (IDEaS) Program continues to move forward and we wanted to take […]
April 25, 2019 – Ottawa, ON Four new Canadian companies and innovative research projects will be funded by LOOKNorth and Unmanned Systems Canada – Systèmes Télécommandés Canada (USC-STC) as part a national ‘testbed project’ in the Remotely Piloted Aircraft Systems ‘RPAS’ (also known as UAV’s or drones) industry. The Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) […]
March 6, 2019 – USC-STC Industry Event Update USC-STC’s Mark Aruja and many of our national association members attended the Manitoba Precision Agricultural Workshop held at Southport, MB on March 5th. Representatives from Transport Canada provided some updates on the status of the new regulations. Thanks to USC-STC’ member Matthew Johnson from M3 Aerial for […]
Our Marketing and Communications Committee heard your requests to help share event notices more regularly with our community. Through 2019, our Committee’s immediate and longer-term goals are to: Update this page every few weeks to add industry workshops, industry conferences, webinars, etc. Highlight in monthly issues of USC-STC News any events that USC-STC members, sponsors, […]
Montreal, QC – On Wednesday, Transport Canada released new regulations for the rapidly-growing Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems (RPAS) or industry in Canada. Published in Canada Gazette II, the new rules govern all aspects of Visual Line of Sight (VLOS) operations for all operators flying RPAS (commonly known as ‘drones’ or Unmanned Aerial Vehicles/UAV’s) in the […]
Unmanned Systems/Systèmes Télécommandés Canada encourages companies to apply for CanExport funding to attend FAMEX in Mexico this April If your company is looking to build your international network of suppliers and buyers and export products, services or expertise…consider applying now for CanExport funding to attend FAMEX as part of the Canadian delgation. FAMEX is monstrous […]