March 6, 2019 – USC-STC Industry Event Update
USC-STC’s Mark Aruja and many of our national association members attended the Manitoba Precision Agricultural Workshop held at Southport, MB on March 5th.
Representatives from Transport Canada provided some updates on the status of the new regulations. Thanks to USC-STC’ member Matthew Johnson from M3 Aerial for these updates:
Transport Canada provided an update during their presentation regarding the status their new online drone/Remotely Piloted Aerial System (RPAS) registry and Pilot testing and Certification program:
- 5016 drones/#RPAS have already been registered since the January 9th, 2019 announcement
- 5165 Pilots have passed the Basic Operations Certificate
- 2840 Pilots have passed the Advanced Operations online exam
No updates regarding the new compliant aircraft / RPAS safety design standards that may impact operators of all types.