Why join USC? Member Perks & Benefits

Become a Member of Unmanned Systems Canada

It’s not every day that individuals, businesses and institutions can play a role in shaping emerging industries, especially in a sector that has the potential to impact so many lives. Unmanned systems are innovating operations farmers, foresters, energy companies, educators, media-makers and miners.

The growing success of Canada’s unmanned vehicle sector – in the air, on the ground, and in the water – indicates that Canadians are finding solutions to make our companies, organizations and agencies more innovative at home and more competitive on the international stage.

Memberships Strengthen Canada’s UAS Sector

Unmanned Systems Canada is the national, member-focused non-profit organization that promotes the advancement of Canada’s unmanned vehicle industry. The growing community of USC members includes professional operators, start-ups and established businesses, hardware and software suppliers, buyers, investors, other industry associations and government.

USC is supported by participation from dedicated members and a volunteer Board of Directors. We are financially supported by membership dues, events and sponsorships.

Key benefits – save money, increase your business network and get perks

1. Save money!

Members of Unmanned Systems Canada benefit from:

  • Discounts to attend or exhibit at USC events, including Canada’s largest UAV industry conference
    ‘Unmanned Canada 2018” (October 30th to November 1st in Vancouver, BC)
  • Free admission to USC’s Annual Student Competitions. Connect with 120+ of Canada’s leading UAS scholars. UAV (Aerial) Competition: 1st week of May, UGV (Ground) Competition3rd week of May.
  • Discounts on event and association sponsorship opportunities
  • Affiliate partner discounts: USC is expanding our ‘Member-to-Member’ product and service offers!
  • 30% savings on subscriptions to Canada’s official UAS research publication, The Journal of Unmanned Vehicle SystemsThis quarterly publication covers 4 main areas of practical and academic interest: civil, environmental, military, and engineering technologies. Members pay only $50/year

2. Marketing opportunities!

Click to get July’s Special Edition of USC News

Connect to Canada’s largest network of unmanned systems experts and companies through:

  • National exposure through USC Member feature stories in USC News and blog posts on our website
  • Priority invitations to participate in USC-organized trade missions, sponsorship and ad campaigns
  • Enhanced listings on our UAV Industry & Member directory – relaunching in fall 2018!
  • We’ll promote discounts and promotions YOU offer to other USC Members!

3. Priority service and member-only benefits:

  • Advance notice of USC events and speaker opportunities
  • Contribute to USC Policy Research, member-only surveys, and Submissions to Regulators
  • Access to networking opportunities, webinars and Member Roundtables
  • Full access to USC industry reports and market research
  • Eligibility to contribute to – and benefit – from USC Scholarships and Awards

Want more information about Member Benefits? Contact our USC Membership Committee lead, Calvin Reich at calvin.reich@unmannedsystems.ca

Click here today to join USC!