USC News Flash – Special Edition Announcing National Unmanned Ground Vehicle Student Competition

Unmanned Systems Canada published a special edition of USC News on July 23, 2018 to announce the first annual Canadian National Unmanned Ground Vehicle Student Competition.

We hope you’ll agree that initiatives like the UGM Student competition demonstrate USC’s commitment to provide value for our membership and the ‘unmanned community’ by continuing to connect and inform you about opportunities, policies,  best practices, research, and new developments shaping Canada’s aerial, ground and marine unmanned vehicle sectors.

The July 23rd special edition of USC News includes hot topics in the Unmanned Ground Vehicle Sector:

We will publish more UGV Student Competition details as they firm up this summer. If you are currently on the USC News email mailing list, you will automatically receive UGV and unmanned systems news updates.

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Get involved in the Inaugural UGV Student Competition!

USC Members receive priority notice about USC Competition and USC Conference sponsorship, speaking and committee opportunities, as well as discounts on sponsorship, ads, conference registrations and exhibitor booths. If you haven’t joined or renewed your membership, check out our USC Member Benefits page.

USC is looking for volunteers from our community of land, aerial and ground-based unmanned vehicle experts to help with all aspects of the competition. If you are interested in volunteer, sponsorship and partnership opportunities, please contact Barrie Kirk, our UGV Student Competiton Coordinator at

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