Category Archives: Student News
École de technologie supérieure will host the 2nd InterUniversity Drone Racing Competition at their campus 1100 Rue Notre-Dame O, Montréal, QC, October 29th, 2016. Download the poster for details. [wpdm_package id=2172 template=”link-template-calltoaction3.php”]
Unmanned Systems Canada is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 9th Student Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Competition for 2017. The competition takes place in two phases with Phase I, a design report from each team due January 13th, 2017 and Phase II, the flying demonstration, April 28 – 30th, 2017 in […]
Unmanned Systems Canada congratulates the University of Sherbrooke on having won the Association for Unmanned Vehicles Systems International Student UAV competition held in Patuxent River Maryland, USA this week. Pitted against 24 teams who had qualified for the final flying phase from the United States, Canada, Germany, Israel and India the Sherbrooke VAMUdeS team took […]
Southport, MB – May 2nd, 2016 – Fourteen university student teams from across Canada competed in the Operational Phase of the 8th Unmanned Systems Canada UAS Student Competition hosted by Southport MB. Phase 1, the design paper, attracted 18 teams and 14 competed in Phase 2 this past weekend. Le comité organisateur félicite l’équipe VAMUdeS […]
The competition is off to a stellar start with all 18 teams submitting excellent design papers and qualifying for Phase 2, the flying portion to be held in Southport MB in a month. After an independent review by each member of the judging panel, the results are: Phase 1 Winners Announcement
A record 18 teams, representing the best and brightest from Canadian universities and colleges have registered for this year’s UAS student competition. A challenging precision agriculture scenario will test their engineering, program management, innovation and leadership skills. Their first deadline will be the submission of their system design report due January 15th. If all the […]
10 November 2015 Students at Canadian Universities have responded in record numbers to the 2016 Unmanned Systems Canada Student UAS Competition. A total of 18 teams from across Canada have registered for the event. First time competitors from Western, Guelph and McGill will add excitement and new input to this 9th annual challenge. In search […]
Alma, QC – May 1-3, 2015 – Thirteen university student teams from across Canada competed in the Operational Phase of the 7th Unmanned Systems CanadaUAV Student Competition hosted by, Centre d’excellence des drones– CED Alma QC. Congratulations to VAMUdeS – Université de Sherbrooke for winning 1st Place on May 3, 2015. Phase 1, the design paper, […]