Unmanned Systems Canada is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 9th Student Unmanned Aircraft System (UAS) Competition for 2017. The competition takes place in two phases with Phase I, a design report from each team due January 13th, 2017 and Phase II, the flying demonstration, April 28 – 30th, 2017 in Alma, Québec. To be eligible students must be registered in a full time program at a Canadian university or college, and design and successfully fly their UAS. Registration deadline for participating teams is 9 Nov 2016 with the $500 registration fee, payable on line. This fee does not cover expenses for any team member. Once the design report has been accepted and the team moves on to Phase II, a fee of $200 per team member, payable on line by 28 April 2017, will be charged to cover accommodation and meals .
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