The 2018 Unmanned Systems Canada Board of Director Elections are now closed. This article was distributed twice to our ‘USC News’ email subscriber list and promoted through our @UnmannedCanada Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook and Facebook group pages. Please sign up for ‘USC News’ and click the links above to connect with @UnmannedCanada on social media channels. Don’t miss #UnmannedSystems industry news!

September 22, 2018 – Between now and October 9th, 2018 all members in good standing as of midnight on September 24th may vote for nominees to become directors on the USC-STC Board for a
USC-STC Members have been nominating candidates for three weeks; new nominations are not accepted as of Sept. 22nd, 2018 at midnight (EST).
There are 8 (eight) Board positions open this year! Each member may vote for up to 8 nominees to fill the open positions. As member in good standing, you will receive an email with a unique voting code that can be used to register your vote. This email will be sent out Sept 24th.
If you have any questions or did not receive your email with your exclusive voting code, please email us at
The Nominee names and profiles are located here for reference and review during the casting of your vote.