Tag Archives: USC Member news

Please Welcome Our New Directors to the USC-STC Board!

October 11, 2018    Ottawa, ON   –  For Immediate Release – Our 2018 Board Elections have closed – and the results are in! The members of Unmanned Systems Canada / Systémes Télécommandés Canada had three weeks to use our online voting system to cast their votes. At the close of this year’s election (October 9th, 2018), […]

Upcoming Events: Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, Unmanned Ground Vehicle Sector

The Canadian Automated Vehicles Centre of Excellence (CAVCOE) is an event partner of USC. They publish a comprehensive list of Automated Vehicle conferences, webinars and industry events in their free newsletter, AV Update.     Watch for USC’s Event List! To suggest or cross-promote events, email us: editor@unmannedsystems.ca CAVCOE’s  June 2018 AV News included this list of upcoming AV-related Events: […]