Upcoming Events: Intelligent Transport Systems World Congress, Unmanned Ground Vehicle Sector

The Canadian Automated Vehicles Centre of Excellence (CAVCOE) is an event partner of USC. They publish a comprehensive list of Automated Vehicle conferences, webinars and industry events in their free newsletter, AV Update.    

Watch for USC’s Event List!
To suggest or cross-promote events, email us:

CAVCOE’s  June 2018 AV News included this list of upcoming AV-related Events:

More about our USC event partner, CAVCOE:

CAVCOE provides advice to public and private sector organizations to help them prepare for the arrival of self-driving vehicles.  CAVCOE provides consulting services, analyses and recommendations to all stakeholders involved in deploying Automated Vehicle Systems (AVS) and those impacted by their arrival. These stakeholders include all levels of government, public sector agencies, private sector companies, and industry associations.

CAVCOE is actively involved with numerous concepts and projects around automated vehicles and is always willing to discuss new ventures. CAVCOE has a Speakers Bureau that provides experienced speakers for corporate events. Typically, these presentations address the status of automated vehicles and how they will impact a business, organization or industry.

Sign up now for CAVCOE new to stay informed about AV and AGV industry news, research and analysis from the world of automated vehicles – and their impact on all levels of government, industry and the private sector and the public they serve.

To view this month’s full CAVCOE newsletter, click HERE

Contact us to add, recommend or cross-promote
UGV (Ground), UAV (Aerial), and UMV (Marine) events. Email: editor@unmannedsystems.ca