The Mark Cuss Memorial Scholarship application deadline for 2015 is October 16th.
The Mark Cuss Memorial Scholarship is a $2500 scholarship and is targeted at students who have an interest in unmanned systems. It is open to members of Unmanned Systems Canada, as well as to children of members. The scholarship is not just targeted at engineering students, but is open to all students who can describe a vision of how this technology could be applied in their chosen field.
Please take the time to apply yourself or encourage your children to do so. Indeed, if you know of any young university or DeVry students then please make them aware of this scholarship – even if they are not members they can become eligible simply by purchasing a $30 student membership with Unmanned Systems Canada on our website.
Submission deadline for the 2015 applications is October 16th. Following notification by 20 October, complementary travel arrangements will be made for the winner to attend our Gala Awards Dinner in Halifax during our 13th Annual Conference on November 5th, where they will be presented with the scholarship.
For more detailed information regarding the history and details of this significant scholarship please visit the Student Tab – Mark Cuss Scholarship on our website at
We hope to see you in Halifax at Unmanned Canada 2015, Nov 3 – 5 at the World Trade and Convention Centre.
For more information on the @UC15Halifax, visit the USC Conference Tab.
For information contact Lola Meakin at