2016 Student UAS Competition Announcement

Unmanned Systems Canada is pleased to announce that registration is now open for the 8th Student Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) Competition for 2016. The competition takes place in two phases with Phase I, a design report from each team due January 15th, 2016 and Phase II, the flying demonstration, April 29th – May 1st 2016 in Southport, Manitoba. To be eligible students must be registered in a full time program at a Canadian university or college, and design and successfully fly their UAS. Registration deadline for participating teams is October 23rd 2015.

The purpose of the competition is to promote and develop Canadian expertise and experience in unmanned systems technologies at the university and college levels. Teams will be graded on the quality and completeness of their design report and the results of the aerial demonstrations – there will be separate prizes for each phase.

To give the students real life UAS experience, the scenario for this competition combines problems encountered by the agriculture sector. Each team is a “company” hired to use their UAS to determine the health of a local farmer’s crops. They must identify the crops’ location, type and health and map them with an airborne sensor system. The farmer accepts the validity of using crop probes to measure soil conditions in specific locations to validate the aerial results obtained via the image system. Various symbols and small structures are set out in the flying zone to simulate the scenario. A written report on the findings is also submitted to the judges.

The competition is designed and judged by a dedicated group of Unmanned Systems Canada experts, and supported by local volunteers and industry sponsors.

Through various student activities, the association is helping to foster greater success in Canadian UVS ventures.

Sponsorship opportunities are available. Contact competition@unmannedsystems.ca to become involved as we support and celebrate the best and brightest of the Canadian UVS sector.

Competition and registration details are at www.unmannedsystems.ca Students – UAS Competition. Interested teams are to submit the registration form by October 23rd 2015.

For further information contact competition@unmannedsystems.ca.