The Call for Proposals (CFP) is an invitation to bidders to submit innovative science and technology (S&T) proposals in support of Canada’s defence, security and public safety.
More specifically, this CFP identifies S&T Challenges that relate to the following DRDC programs and for which innovative solutions are sought:
- All-Domain Situational Awareness (ADSA) Program — a five-year initiative to conduct research and analysis to support the development of options for enhanced domain awareness of air, surface and sub-surface approaches to Canada, and in particular those in the Arctic. The ADSA Program focuses on the following areas:
o Strategic surveillance of airborne traffic and aerospace warning;
o Awareness of maritime traffic in Canadian approaches and Arctic littoral regions;
o Awareness of sub-surface activity approaching or in Canada’s North; and
o Analysis of sensor mixes and information integration and sharing for all domain awareness to enable detection of modern threats beyond the threshold of the current systems.
- Canadian Safety and Security Program (CSSP) — a whole-of-government initiative that enhances Canada’s security and public safety through S&T investments. The CSSP strengthens Canada’s ability to anticipate, prevent, mitigate, prepare for, respond to and recover from natural disasters, serious accidents, crime and terrorism through the convergence of S&T with policy, operations and intelligence.
For tender, go to
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