X-Ships and BCIP Info

Unmanned Systems Canada participated in the recently-held Royal Canadian Navy X-Ship industry day. This program is formally linked with the Build in Canada Innovation Program (BCIP) to provide funds to Canadian companies interested in demonstrating their capabilities. The presentations and follow-up material from the industry day is available to members. Program website: https://buyandsell.gc.ca/initiatives-and-programs/build-in-canada-innovation-program-bcip BCIP Presentation […]

UAS Stakeholder Engagement: Summer & Fall 2017 / UAS, Engagement des intervenants : été et automne 2017

Unmanned Aircraft Systems Stakeholder Engagement:  Summer & Fall 2017 Registration is now open! In support of the proposed regulatory framework for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) published in Canada Gazette, Part I on July 15, 2017, Transport Canada (TC) is hosting a series of stakeholder engagement sessions in select cities across the country from August 1 […]

CG 1 Released – sUAS Regulations

Eleven years of joint effort by Unmanned Systems Canada and Tranport Canada has reached the milestone announcement in Canada Gazette One of the proposed regulations for small UAS operating in Visual Line of Sight. http://www.gazette.gc.ca/rp-pr/p1/2017/2017-07-15/html/reg2-eng.php Unmanned Systems Canada will be seeking industry input to provide Transport Canada with a collated response during the period open […]

Arctic UAV Awarded BVLOS Project

July 6th, 2017, Iqaluit. Arctic UAV Inc. was recently awarded a 2 year contract from Transport Canada to ‘Conduct Concept of Northern Operations for Unmanned Aerial Systems’. The trials will provide hands-on experience operating sophisticated drones and will help develop procedures, training, and risk assessment tools for operations in Northern Canada. [wpdm_package id=3687 template=”link-template-calltoaction3.php”]

Transport Canada Approves Drone Test Range in Alma QC

Unmanned Systems Canada (USC) congratulates the UAS Centre of Excellence in Alma Quebec for having gained the approval of the Minister of Transport as a UAS Test Range able to support extensive Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) testing. In a recent industry survey conducted by USC, 65% of Canadian companies identified BVLOS capabilities as […]

New Interim Order Refines Drone Usage Restrictions

An amended interim order has modified the restrictions pertaining to operations of model aircraft (recreational UAVs). Previously stated distances for operations from animals, and other fixed entities have been deleted. Amended paragraphs follow: (3) No person shall operate a model aircraft having a total weight of more 250 g (0.55 pounds) but not more than […]

Université de Sherbrooke wins AUVSI Student Competition

Congratulations to team VAMUdeS from the Université de Sherbrooke! For the second consecutive year they are the champion at the AUVSI Student Unmanned Aerial Systems Competition. They also took home  the Best Mission Demonstration award. Teams from 59 universities worldwide were selected to compete, with 38 teams able to get airborne in Patuxent River Naval Air Station Maryland, home of […]

Fisheries and Oceans UAS P&A

Fisheries and Oceans has issued a Price and Availability request for research  UAS platforms and technology available now, or upcoming technology that can meet their requirements. Feedback on their draft requirements is also requested. Bilingual copies of the documents are available for download. Response deadline is 7 July. https://buyandsell.gc.ca/procurement-data/tender-notice/PW-WPG-006-10247 [wpdm_package id=3651 template=”link-template-calltoaction3.php”] [wpdm_package id=3650 template=”link-template-calltoaction3.php”]

Model Based System Engineering Workshop – Ottawa 28 June

Join LOOKNorth as Phoenix Integration and Analytical Graphics Inc. present and demonstrate key concepts associated with MBSE-MBE connectivity, Multi-Disciplinary Optimization Analysis (MDOA) and Model as a Service (MaaS). The combination of each component provide you with the ability to move quickly through concept design, win more proposals, reduce risk and ultimately improve your mission effectiveness. […]

Canada Defence Policy Released

Unmanned Systems Canada is pleased to note the government’s renewed commitment to the Canada’s defence and security capabilities. The specific focus on remotely piloted aerial systems for all  of the services’ needs, is particularly welcomed. These technologies have been developing  rapidly in Canadian industry over the past several years in numerous applications. Notably, commercial developments […]