Are you an RPAS service provider?
If you, you may well be interested in a new Notice of Proposed Procurement issued by Transport Canada. The department is seeking proposals for an RPAS capable of carrying out tests related to the National Aerial Surveillance Program.
The NPP states TC is “requires a Remotely Piloted Aircraft System (RPAS) that is capable of operation Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) which will be used by TC as a proof of concept to evaluate RPAS technology as a supplement to the capabilities of manned surveillance aircraft operated under the National Aerial Surveillance Program (NASP). The RPAS must include a Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) or Optionally Piloted Aircraft (OPA); sensor equipment to be carried concurrently as payload on board the RPA; communication links; and the RPAS mission control station (MCS) and launch and recovery equipment. The Contractor must provide initial training.”
Full details are available here. The NPP closes March 9, 2020. This is potentially a tremendous opportunity, and we encourage qualified providers to submit a proposal.