At the most recent meeting of the USC Regulatory Commitee and Transport Canada, TC noted concerns regarding the 15th of December grandfathering date referenced in CG1. Accordingly, they have provided the following guidance.
Transport Canada is currently reviewing stakeholder comments on the regulatory proposal for small Unmanned Aircraft Systems, 25 kg or less, operated within visual line-of-sight. In its commitment to deliver a comprehensive and evidence-based regulatory package, the department is also conducting additional analysis to inform the proposed rules, which includes the proposed grandfathering provision (s. 902.51)
The department recognizes that the specific date referenced in the proposal can cause uncertainty for companies in planning operations and pursuing business opportunities; however the department would like to assure stakeholders that the date referenced in the package will not be part of the final regulatory package. Transport Canada will conduct additional outreach on its proposal as it moves forward to publish the regulatory package and implement the required program services and information management infrastructure.