It’s time for Canada’s Women in Drones Committee

Increasing diversity and inclusion in any industry sector means more than just adopting ‘feel good’ strategies to recruit more women and people of different backgrounds into classrooms, show rooms and board rooms.

Boosting diversity begins with a culture of inclusion.
Creating respectful and productive spaces starts by inspiring ‘authentic participation’ of people from diverse social, cultural and economic backgrounds. Then actions are required to inspire systemic change.

USC-STC is proud to announce that through member consultation and targeted outreach last year, we drastically increased the diversity and depth of our leadership team. As Canada’s national industry association representing a wide range of individuals, organizations, and institutions in the drone, robotic and remotely-piloted vehicle systems sector, we recognize the need to lead by example.

We are proud to share that as of International Women’s Day (March 8th, 2021):

  • 9 of the 15 Board of Directors of USC-STC are female.
    60% female representation exceeds the Canadian government’s new 50/30 Challenge, which includes to “increase the representation and inclusion of diverse groups within their workplace, while highlighting the benefits of giving all Canadians a seat at the table.”
  • 50% of USC-STC’s new Special Advisor roles are held by females.
    This includes the nomination of young woman to USC-STC’s first-ever Student Advisor role. She will advise the Board and our members about ways we can:
    • Increase youth participation in STEM programs (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) programs.
    • Increase participation in our annual national Student Competition.
  • We are launching Canada’s Women in Drones Committee.
    USC-STC is officially launching the Committee to lead the work of our organization and ‘allies in inclusion’ to shape and implement a national strategy to improve outcomes for women in our sector.

In addition to showcasing female role models and their contributions to our industry, this work helps to build industry capacity and keep Canada competitive on the global market.

Here’s one of the graphics USC-STC created to celebrate the diverse women on our leadership team and promote International Women’s Day (#IWD2021). This year’s theme is #ChooseToChallenge gender bias and inequality.

The mission of the Women in Drones Committee is clear.

We will work together:

To raise awareness of the social and economic benefits of increasing female participation and success in Canada’s ecosystem of robotic, unmanned and remotely piloted vehicle systems.

Canada’s Women in Drones Committee Goals

The Women in Drones Committee (‘WiD Committee’) will work through 2021 and beyond to attract allies, sponsors and champions to reach our first-year goals. These include: 

  • Celebrate 100 female role models. We want to gather and promote 100 Canadian “Women in Drones Profiles of Success” in 100 days…starting today.
  • Recruit Committee members and sponsors. Support our activities to create awareness campaigns, host monthly meetings and webinars, and host the first annual Canadian Women in Drones Conference this fall.
  • Conduct a 3-month national research project. Our online survey, interviews and polls (starting in March 2021) will provide industry insights to publish the first-ever Status of Women in Canada’s Drone Industry Report.
  • Elevate female voices! Help us share Committee insights in publications, advocate for more female speaking opportunities, and boost female participation at industry events around the world.

Key Committee Themes

We see three key themes that will guide our work to improve diversity outcomes this year: FACILITATE connections, AMPLIFY women’s voices and INFORM influencers.

It’s Time to Turn Ideas into Actions

  1. Help us celebrate 100 Canadian ‘Women in Drones Profiles of Success’
    It’s time for more girls and women to see female role models, trailblazers and opportunities to enter and advance in the rapidly growing drone ecosystem. CLICK HERE to create your “Profile of Success,’ then share the link!
  2. Join the Women in Drones Committee.
    It’s time for collaborative yet assertive approach to strengthen connections between entrepreneurs, educators, industry and government organizations. Email to request to join the Committee.
  3. Support our national research project.
    It’s time to gather data to shape informed strategies to increase inclusion of under-represented groups. Learn more about why #DiversityMatters on our WiD Committee Research page, then watch for research project updates as we work to create then publish the first Status of Women in Canada’s Drone Industry Report.
  4. Sponsor our Committee.
    It’s time to work together to align technical, financial and human resources together. Help us to support more females to enter and thrive in the drone world through Women in Drones Sponsor Opportunities.

Help us to create a more diverse and inclusive drone ecosystem that provides equal opportunities for all Canadians to enjoy the social, environmental and economic benefits of our industry.

Email to join the #WomenInDrones Committee.