Call for Experts – ISO/TC20/SC16

ISO/TC 20/SC 16
Unmanned Aircraft Systems
Email of secretary:
Secretariat: ANSI (United States)

Call for Experts – ISO/TC20/SC16

Document type: Public document

Date of document: 2016-02-02

Expected action: ACT

Action due date: 2016-03-01

Background: The ISO Unmanned Aircraft Systems Subcommittee (ISO/TC 20/SC 16) hereby invites interested
and qualified subject matter experts to submit their credentials and a statement of interest to their
respective national standards bodies for consideration to become a contributor to the
subcommittee’s work. Please find important details and instructions in the attached public
announcement, which we encourage government and industry stakeholders to distribute widely and
in a timely manner.

Interested experts and standards bodies may contact the working group conveners directly, as well
as the subcommittee secretary with any questions.

Committee URL: