UnmannedCanada 2016
5 August 2016
Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am delighted and most honoured to be Conference Chairman for the upcoming UnmannedCanada 2016 conference to be held in Edmonton, Alberta, 1-3 November.
This year’s conference theme, “At the Gateway” is particularly apt, as our host city Edmonton stands at the gateway to the north, while heralding the pioneering spirit of the West.
Over the past 12 years, the UAV industry has witnessed the explosive growth of technology, opportunities and innovation which had never been projected, much less envisioned even a decade ago. The major significance of this year’s conference is that it is being hosted in the busiest UAV region in Canada.
Speaking from statistics and facts, the Prairie Northern Region is ground zero for small UAV applications and business successes in Canada. The dynamics of the Western Canadian Industrial Base has provided a natural genesis and proving grounds for the growth of this technology sector, for both Unmanned Air and Unmanned Ground Vehicles (UGV)–another important component at this year’s conference.
One other highlight will be the attendance and input from Transport Canada outlining the future of commercial UAV operations in Canada. They will also speak to the best practices for Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) in Canada. You won’t want to miss several inspiring and informative presentations of successes and challenges faced by all sectors which will be shared throughout the conference in the Plenary and Breakout and Networking sessions.
The UnmannedCanada 2016 Exhibit Hall is the premier “must attend” opportunity to network, demonstrate and showcase products and services, while creating valuable industry contacts and partnerships with targeted representatives across the entire UVS sector.
I extend my warmest welcome and invitation to Individuals, Businesses, Academia and Government Officials at all levels to join and participate in UnmannedCanada 2016 to explore, forge and celebrate the successes of the UAV industry that is changing the way we do business in Canada.
I am confident to say that this year’s Conference is primed to be one of the most dynamic and exciting that has ever been hosted since the first inaugural conference held in back in 2003.
I Guarantee It!
Sterling Cripps, Conference Chairman – UnmannedCanada 2016